Monday, February 2, 2009

Joining the Blogging World

I have succumbed to the pressures of society and decided to join the blogging community. Every member of my family does it, and I am a devout follower of their writings. I read about the everyday adventures of life in the country with my parents, corralling toddler twins with my eldest sister, the amazingly gifted photographer, along with reading about many outrageous and hilarious parties attended by my other sister, the active and outdoorsy one.

Through becoming engrossed in their blogs every day, I realized something. I have a very boring life. There's no way I could narrate my everyday in the written word, because nobody would ever want to read it. Therefore in lue of noting what happens to me in my everyday existence, I dedicate this blog to the simple joys that make me happy everyday. There are so many beautiful and lovable things in my life that make me blessed. Some may be silly and some may be serious, but I believe that anything that puts a smile on my face deserves recognition for it. That is why I do this...


  1. You'd be surprised - some of the best blogs are just about random stuff! Welcome to the blog world!

  2. Welcome and Happy Blogging! Don't try to set boundaries for what you write; as soon as you do, there will be something different and neat pop up in left field.

  3. Hi! Long time no see!
    I started my blog with 20 things to do before I turn 25 (have since given up & changed direction, but it gave me a good starting point).
    Good luck!
